PMR.Africa: AMA wins Diamond Arrow Award for charitable efforts and empowering those in need
AMA today received the PMR.Africa Diamond Arrow Award for empowering the poor and charitable projects carried out across the world, for the second consecutive year.
Imran Choonara, AMA’s CEO, used the award to thank all of the organisation’s staff, volunteers and donors who made the charitable projects possible.
“Whether you’ve supported building homes for the destitute in villages in Africa or dignity tents in refugee tents in Lebanon, or the feeding of millions of people in 14 different countries or education projects…we thank you.”
Choonara also said that the award serves as a reminder that charitable organisations are not there to compete with each other, but should work hand in hand in delivering assistance to those most in need.
AMA has been operating for over 35 years, carrying out projects related to water, education, food insecurity as well as emergency assistance.
The award acknowledges AMA’s efforts in enhancing economic growth in local communities and running several initiatives around South Africa through its team of staff and dedicated volunteers.
The award states that AMA was rated first overall and is ‘outstanding’ for its efforts carried out over the past 12 months.
Over the past year, AMA has run several initiatives around South Africa, from giving out winter packages containing food and blankets, to visiting orphanages and supporting children with their needs as well as supporting initiatives such as Breast Cancer Awareness month by visiting hospitals and distributing gift bags.
Beyond South Africa, AMA has had a strong presence in Afghanistan, where the team based there is supporting medical centres by providing medical equipment as well as female empowerment by enrolling them in an AMA sponsored school.
In Malawi and Mozambique, AMA launched the ‘One Village, One Well’ campaign which sought to provide villages which have seen an outbreak of cholera with clean and safe water through the provision of wells and boreholes.
For years, AMA has also had a strong presence in Lebanon, which is facing numerous crises due to the economic crisis, number of refugees, unstable government and the impact of Covid 19. AMA has responded by launching the Aman School of Excellence in the Bekaa region which now has over 600 underprivileged children enrolled there, as well as making regular visits to the refugee camps where the teams have worked on distributing food, water, hygiene kits and have rehabilitated tents.
AMA is proud to be the recipient of the Award, and commends all of the staff and volunteers who have been integral to the success of the projects AMA has carried out and continues to work on.